Mass Apache .htaccess redirect generator

Create 301 permanent redirects easily

If you've got a list of old URLs with new URLs where users should be redirected (e.g. 2 columns in Excel file) and access to .htaccess file, this is the only tool needed for you. It uses mod_rewrite Apache module to create RewriteRule(s) from old URLs to new.

It's a mass/bulk generator of 301 permanent redirect rules to be put in .htaccess file (Apache with mod_rewrite enabled is required). Made with ♥ by



# Absolute URL to absolute URL - absolutely fine;

# Relative URL to absolute URL

# Relative URL to relative URL. 2 following rules are considered duplicate.
old; /new/
old; new/

# Query parameters in URL; /product/xyz/

Paste here

What and who is this tool for?

This mass Apache .htaccess redirect generator is designed to simplify the process of creating 301 permanent redirects in bulk. Whether you're migrating a website, restructuring your URLs, or simply need to redirect multiple old URLs to new ones, our tool provides a quick and efficient solution to keep your SEO ranking.

By inputting a list of old URLs alongside their corresponding new URLs, you can generate the necessary mod_rewrite rules to include in your .htaccess file. This is particularly useful for webmasters, SEO specialists, and developers who need to manage large-scale redirection tasks without manually writing each rule.

Our generator supports batch processing, making it an ideal choice for those who have extensive URL lists. The generated 301 redirect rules ensure that your website retains its SEO value, avoiding 404 errors and maintaining a seamless user experience during transitions.

To use this tool, simply prepare your URL list in a format like an Excel file, upload it, and let our generator create the .htaccess redirect rules for you. The tool is designed to work with Apache servers that have mod_rewrite enabled, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.

Key features:


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Author: Tomáš Kouba
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